Important Phone Numbers


Oakland PD Emergency (for cell phones only; from land line call 911) - 510-777-3211

Oakland PD non-emergency - 510-777-3333

BART Police - 1-877-679-7000 or 510-464-7000 (Dispatch)


Oakland Fire Department dispatch center - 510-444-1616 (MEDICAL EMERGENCIES ONLY!)

Oakland Fire Department Hazmat Unit - 510-444-3322, WILL CLEAN UP LOOSE NEEDLES IN PUBLIC AREAS.

Oakland Public Works

Call 311 or email

Oakland public works call center web site -

Use this number, email or web form for numerous reports:

You can ALSO report public works issues with the SeeClickFix smartphone app for Oakland.

Abandoned Vehicles - 

call 311 or report online here

   Abandoned vehicles are now managed by Public Works and DOT.